Tuesday, March 11, 2008

in deep thought

I stay in deep thought. Now when I say deep that dosent necessarily mean I'm thinking about some poetic, conscious, complicated topic, (although it sometime is..) I just sit back and think, analyze and basically have a conversation with myself in my head. We all do, so dont try to front (slang for putting on a fascade) and act like you dont do it too. The only problem with this is, I have a very expressive face, and I've been told more than once that my expression shows all, so If I'm disgusted by something that you just did, you'll know it. Like today I was in class and this annoying little girl kept hogging the lecture with questions that she knew the answer too, and I'm mad annoyed right...suddently I feel my face starting in squinch up in disgust...my eyebrows push together, my lips pucker up in disgust, as I start to roll my eyes and take a deep frustrated "SIGH" I pull it together and look down at my desk.

::thinking:: get yo self together

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