Monday, September 6, 2010

True nobility isn't about being better than someone else. It's about being better than you used to be. ~ Wayne Dyer

So much has changed since my last post. I'm not even the same person that I was then...

Lets see what has changed...

  • I quit my job, started a NEW career,

  • changed my mind about that new career,

  • cut my locs, wore my hair short

  • grew my hair out again

  • became a vegan,

  • became a meat eater,

  • transitioning back again,


  • learned some valuable life lessons,

  • questioned beliefs that i once held on to real tight,

  • loosened my grip a bit and opened my mind to new ideas,

  • Doubted myself

  • Regained confidence...

i could continue on but I think you get the point.

i can't believe that 2010 is more than half over, which reminds me to completely savor the moment daily. My granny, bless her heart, is always saying.. "i cant wait till Jrue does this, or soon she'll be doing this" (Jrue is my 9 month old daughter by the way) And I really don't like when people do that because I much rather savor where she is now...she'll be walking, talking, going to school, becomming a teenager, going to college SOON ENOUGH, right now I'd rather just... **breathe** listen to her say "dadadadadadadada" all day long for no reason, and get tickled when she cries because I'm at the end of her favorite song (the itsy bitsy spider).

When i was little something in me knew the importance of being in the moment..that was never something taught to me, i guess it was just instinctive. I can remember when I was 10 yrs old, we took a trip to Disney was the most magical fun experience ever, and the whole trip i can remembering being at one of the disney parks and just suddently closing my eyes and saying "this is now", and I would just basque in my happiness. Weird huh? lol I don't know where I got that from, I just knew that I was having a great time and that it would be over soon and I wanted to remember the way I was feeling at that exact moment. Somehow over the years I've gotten away from that, but I'm getting it back.

1 comment:

Relevantlystaying said...

Girl.. You even write differently. I loved this blog. Feels like you didnt hold back. Keep em coming.. and pray that I do the same. Love you!!!