Monday, January 5, 2009

it seems like the older you get, the faster time flies..I still feel like I should be a teen ager but I'm just around the corner from 30 seems like. Still so much to do but I'm growing. I think 2009 will be my year tho. I've decided to change the way I think. My toxic thinking is to blame for my stagnent life for the past few yrs. I know it sounds cliche' like a saturday night live skit, but u really have to love yourself. Love yourself enough to monitor your thoughts. Wise cats have been saying this in various ways for centuries, but i'm just now starting to believe it. I think my boy Jesus said it best in several scriptures ( no disrespect to the Lord for callin him my but anyway, i just gotta. This year has to be different. I think i can say it better in a poem. Like to hear it?! Here it go!

in 2009 i decided to love me. It sound cliche' like kum-bah-yah
but it's oh so necessary!
things to eleminate, negetive thoughts, cats w/ bad energy, meat and dairy


Now when I talk to myself I have compassion, love and encouraging words..
no longer do I dwell in the past..
what I should have done, how I should have said it, what I didn't do.
It's about now!
My school master is my past. SANKOFA..
If you're not contributing to this righteous cause, we can't even kick no more..
I'm growing and I'm older.
The fridge and the counter tops are stocked w/ fresh greens and fruits
I feel alive again
Createive and happy
No matter the circumstance,
You respect me, because I respect myself enough to demand it
Those who don't like it dont cause they can't handle it.
But im okay with that.


Saving up nickles pennies and dimes so when opportunity presents itself I'm ready
Listening closely for my cue to jump
Life purpose reveal yourself to me
Thought I knew but now I know that I knew nothing at all
When you think you know it all, thats when God pimp slaps you with LIFE all across that big brown fod!
Just what a sista needed
Listen more,
Talk Less
Or your hasty words, he'll make you eat it
I'm ready now.


Peace be still
Beathe deep, motivated while sleep
Avocado me with tough skin,
smooth green pure center so alkaline, healing
As thoughts take shape, I'm well rounded
Devinly created and beautifully defined
Even when mushy my cayanne personality is spicy like guacolmoli
And he is my organic blue corn chips..
we go well together,
we compliment

lol i know that was kinda corny at the end but its all good. I wont apologize. its me. thats also apart of my 2009 reality. peace out yall.